O quadro a óleo «Niños en el carretón» (1778), de Francisco Goya, foi roubado quando era transferido do Museu de Arte de Toledo, em Ohio, para o Guggenheim de Nova Iorque.
A obra do artista espanhol foi emprestada ao Guggenheim para integrar uma exposição especial intitulada «A pintura espanhola desde El Greco a Picasso: a ferida do tempo», que será inaugurada na próxima sexta-feira em Nova Iorque. A mostra pretende reunir cerca de 150 obras de museus e colecções não só dos EUA como também do México, Canadá, Espanha e de outros países europeus.
A obra do artista espanhol foi emprestada ao Guggenheim para integrar uma exposição especial intitulada «A pintura espanhola desde El Greco a Picasso: a ferida do tempo», que será inaugurada na próxima sexta-feira em Nova Iorque. A mostra pretende reunir cerca de 150 obras de museus e colecções não só dos EUA como também do México, Canadá, Espanha e de outros países europeus.
Segundo os museus, o óleo de Goya tinha um seguro de um milhão de euros, porém, por tratar-se de um quadro muito conhecido, a sua venda é impossível no circuito legal.
A seguradora ofereceu uma recompensa de 50 mil dólares (37.500 euros) a quem fornecer informação sobre o ladrão especializado em obras de arte (já há licenciatura na área e quem sabe doutoramento). Irmãos metralha procuram-se….
Reward of Up to $50,000 Offered for Information Leading to Recovery of Painting
(NEW YORK, NY- November 13, 2006) A painting by Francisco de Goya y Lucientes from the collection of the Toledo Museum of Art was discovered taken last week while en route from Toledo, Ohio, to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City, where it is scheduled to be included in the exhibition Spanish Painting from El Greco to Picasso: Time, Truth, and History opening at the Guggenheim on November 17, 2006.
At the time of the theft, the painting was traveling through the Scranton, Pennsylvania area and was in the care of a professional art transport provider. The painting, Children with a Cart, 1778, which is currently insured for just over $1 million, would be virtually impossible to sell and therefore has no value on the open market.
The FBI is currently leading the investigation into the theft. There is a reward of up to $50,000 offered by the insurer for information leading to the recovery of the painting. Persons with information regarding the painting should contact the Philadelphia Division of the FBI at (215) 418-4000, or their local FBI office.
To maintain the integrity of the FBI investigation, the museums are unable to provide any additional details at this time.
November 13, 2006
Issued jointly by the Press Departments of the Toledo Museum of Art and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
A seguradora ofereceu uma recompensa de 50 mil dólares (37.500 euros) a quem fornecer informação sobre o ladrão especializado em obras de arte (já há licenciatura na área e quem sabe doutoramento). Irmãos metralha procuram-se….
Reward of Up to $50,000 Offered for Information Leading to Recovery of Painting
(NEW YORK, NY- November 13, 2006) A painting by Francisco de Goya y Lucientes from the collection of the Toledo Museum of Art was discovered taken last week while en route from Toledo, Ohio, to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City, where it is scheduled to be included in the exhibition Spanish Painting from El Greco to Picasso: Time, Truth, and History opening at the Guggenheim on November 17, 2006.
At the time of the theft, the painting was traveling through the Scranton, Pennsylvania area and was in the care of a professional art transport provider. The painting, Children with a Cart, 1778, which is currently insured for just over $1 million, would be virtually impossible to sell and therefore has no value on the open market.
The FBI is currently leading the investigation into the theft. There is a reward of up to $50,000 offered by the insurer for information leading to the recovery of the painting. Persons with information regarding the painting should contact the Philadelphia Division of the FBI at (215) 418-4000, or their local FBI office.
To maintain the integrity of the FBI investigation, the museums are unable to provide any additional details at this time.
November 13, 2006
Issued jointly by the Press Departments of the Toledo Museum of Art and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Ás tantas, os irmãos metralha só levaram o quadro emprestado... :)
Somente um louco roubaria algo que não pode vender. Por falar em loucura, a seguradora deve estar arrancando os cabelos. Ê seguro alto, hein?! Mas Goya é Goya.
Abraço pernambucano.
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